大寒 Dan Han - Major Cold
20th January - 04th February Xiao Han is the 24th of the 24 solar terms in the Chinese calendar. Cold weather is as harmful as it is...
大寒 Dan Han - Major Cold
小寒 Xiao Han - Major Snow
冬至 Dong Zhi - Winter Solstice
大雪 Da Xue - Major Snow
小雪 Xiao Xue - Minor Snow
立冬 Li Dong - beginning of winter
霜降 Shuang Jiang - Frost's Descent
寒露 Han Lu - Cold Dew
秋分 Qiu Fen - Autumn Equinox
白露 Bai Lu - White Dew
处暑 Chu Shu - End of Heat
立秋 Li Qiu - Beginning of Autumn
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10 Year Younger in 10 Days - with- The Herbalist
大暑 Da Shu - Major Heat
小暑 Xiao Shu - Minor Heat
夏至 Xia Zhi - Summer Solstice
芒 种 Mang Zhong - Grain in Ear
小满 Xiao Man - Grain Buds
立夏 Li Xia - Beginning of Summer