Traditional Acupuncture
Acupuncture employs the use of ultra-fine single-use pre-sterilised needles inserted into the body, slightly beneath the surface of the skin. The needles are placed into specific points called meridians, which are the channels or pathways that regulate the flow of Qi around the body.
The meridian channels can become blocked causing the flow of Qi to become distorted. This can lead to imbalances within the body and may lead to health problems if left untreated. By manipulating the meridian channels with acupuncture our TCM practitioner can encourage natural healing, boost Qi and improve blood flow to the targeted areas of the body.
Acupuncture is safe and effective and is often successfully used as an alternative to medications or even surgery. Acupuncture is a relaxing procedure that provides a feeling of wellbeing that can last for hours, sometimes even days after treatment. For thousands of years, it has been effectively used for relaxation, beauty therapies, and to treat of countless medical conditions.
Acupuncture can significantly boost your energy levels, help with anxiety, stress, and depression, restore equilibrium, heighten concentration, improve general health, normalise high blood pressure, aid sleep, and strengthen the immune system so the body can more effectively fight infections such as cold & flu. Acupuncture can even help patients with heart disease, and victims of stroke - including Bell's Palsy, mobility problems, and more...
It is important to inform us if you are pregnant and list any medication you are currently taking before receiving treatment. Before treatment, the consultant will pay particular attention to your tongue and pulses on both wrists as they will use this to gauge your physical health and flow of Qi. The sensation commonly felt when the needles are inserted is often described as a tingling or dull ache but is not painful. The needles are usually left in place for between 20-40 minutes and during this time the needles may be adjusted. After acupuncture, you may feel tired or experience slight bruising to the skin at the sites where the acupuncture needles were inserted. This is normal, the bruising is minimal and will fade after a few days.
From £60
Electro-acupuncture stimulates the body’s natural healing processes by sending electrical impulses through the meridians, muscles, and nerves. The electrical current vibrates the tissue under the skin to help break down fatty deposits, which may cause a warming sensation. It is most commonly prescribed for weight loss, chronic pain management, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, nerve damage, post-surgical pain, fibromyalgia, endometriosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and other conditions.
From £75
Facial Acupuncture
Facial Acupuncture is particularly effective for treating sinus conditions, hay fever, Bell’s Palsy, TMJ, pigmentation disorders, lifting and firming of the skin, wrinkles, and fine lines. It promotes collagen synthesis by way of a chemical reaction in the cells. It targets facial muscles and encourages blood flow, to improve the distribution of nutrients and oxygen to the skin, to create a fuller, plumper appearance.
From £75